Superare il capro espiatorio?
Dal sacrificio dell’innocente alla salvezza dei colpevoli

Michele Papa


Il testo sviluppa la relazione presentata, il 15 aprile 2021, all’incontro conclusivo del seminario L’ombra delle “colonne infami”. La letteratura e l’ingiustizia del capro espiatorio, organizzato dalla Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano. Gli atti del convegno sono in corso di pubblicazione, per i tipi Vita e Pensiero,  a cura di G. Forti-A. Visconti-C. Mazzucato-A. Provera.


Overcoming the scapegoating paradigm?
From the sacrifice of the innocent to the salvation of the guilty

The article analyses scapegoating paradigm and asks whether it can be overcome. After examining the various meanings with which the scapegoating linguistic structure is used, it points out how the original rite had a foundation that was not juridical, but rather magical-religious. Discussing the theses of René Girard, the essay identifies an opposite paradigm, which instead of sacrificing the innocent aims at the salvation of the guilty. This is on the assumption that the very notion of “guilt” is the result of human limitedness in attributing the unjust.

Scapegoating – Victimization – Victim blaming – Guilt – Ascription of responsibility – Punishment