SOMMARIO 1. Aspetti introduttivi. – 2. L’ammonimento: uno strumento efficace ma imperfetto. – 3. Le potenzialità dell’ammonimento tra principio di sussidiarietà del diritto penale, esigenze deflative e tutela della vittima. – 3.1. Una misura procedimentale al servizio dell’accertamento del criterio di imputazione colpevole. – 4. Un intervento legislativo ispirato alla prevenzione della violenza di genere. – 5. Alcune riflessioni conclusive.
Advantages and opportunities of the questore’s admonishment.
Considerations about the bill n. 2530 of 2021
Following a bill that proposed the extension of the admonishment of the “questore” (public security authority), the paper analyses this instrument among the measures to fight violence against women. In particular, the contribution highlights the potential of the admonishment, both relating to the protection of victims and the reduction of criminal cases, as well as to the verification of the wilful misconduct in the crime of stalking.
Admonishment – Gender violence – Prevention measure – Stalking – Bill n. 2530 of 2021