Restorative Approach and Social Innovation: From Theoretical Grounds to Sustainable Practices

Giovanni Grandi e Simone Grigoletto

Atti di convegno

In the last decades, Restorative Justice has represented an emerging new practice to deal with conflict management. This promising approach suggests looking at conflicts from a different perspective, with a specific attention to the needs of the victims.
This volume emphasizes possible expansion of the approach to a variety of aspects of the social environment. Specifically, then, the focus will be on the Restorative Approach and Social Innovation. How can we connect these two topics? In what sense Restorative Justice is not simply an innovative practice for the public administration of justice, but also a paradigm for social innovation? How can restorative principles affect our everyday lives and improve the quality of our relationships?
Questions like these have guided and characterized the 2018 Restorative Justice International Conference at the University of Padova entitled “Restorative Approach and Social Innovation: From Theoretical Grounds to Sustainable Practices”. The present volume collects some of the best contributions from the event and some other works that try to focus on a possible expansion of the reach of the Restorative Approach.