Contributo destinato al volume C. Piergallini-G. Mannozzi-C. Sotis-C. Perini-M. Scoletta-F. Consulich (a cura di), Studi in onore di Carlo Enrico Paliero, Milano, 2023.
SOMMARIO 1. La (non) punibilità e il ‘sistema 231’. – 2. Il (rinnovato) dibattito sull’art. 8 d.lgs. n. 231 del 2001. – 3. I (limitati) margini di manovra del Giudice delle leggi. – 4. Le (controverse) prospettive di riforma. – 5. Verso una (nuova) «gabella delicti»?
Il contributo è ora consultabile in Criminalia (2022).
The (non) Punishable Corporation: on How and Why
The recent Italian criminal law reforms adopting a stick and carrot approach towards human beings, produce significant interpretation and enforcement issues in respect of the extension of such provisions to corporate criminal liability. In light of the barrier to such extension deriving from article 8 of the Legislative Decree 231/2001, this paper aims to find the ways to overcome the said obstacle, either through a judgment by the Constitutional Court of by means of a law reform, based on the kind of exemption from punishment to apply to the corporation, bearing however in mind the criminal policy criticalities related to non-punishment in the field of economic and financial crime.
Corporate criminal liability – Exemption from punishment – Punishability – Legislative Decree 231/2001