Testo, corredato di note essenziali, della relazione svolta al convegno “Novità ‘a pioggia’ sul processo penale: cinque tavole rotonde, organizzato dall’Associazione tra gli Studiosi del processo penale “G.D. Pisapia” il 10 febbraio 2023.
SOMMARIO 1. Premessa. – 2. La disciplina dell’istituto. – 3. Anomalie classificatorie. – 4. Nodi operativi e scelte opache.
The sentence of acquittal for lack of knowledge of the process.
Systematic defects and guarantees deficit
The sentence of acquittal for lack of konwledge of the process, introduced by the “Cartabia” law in the criminal procedure code, aims to increase the guarantees of participation of the defendant. However, the legislator dosen’t have the courage to break with the past, thus the designs a discipline affected by systematic defect and inadequate for the protection of the right of defence.
The “Cartabia” law – Process Knowledge – Guarantees of participation – The right of defence