SOMMARIO 1. Discussione pubblica e nuove leggi penali. – 2. I rapporti con il delitto di invasione di terreni o edifici (art. 633 c.p.) e la reale necessità politico-criminale della nuova incriminazione. – 3. L’incerta tecnica legislativa impiegata e gli elementi di fattispecie. – 4. Il problema semantico: raduno vs. rave party. – 5. Qualora non se ne possa fare a meno… qualche spunto per una possibile riformulazione del reato.
The ‘rava vox’ of the new legislator: the crime of invasion for organizing illegal gatherings
Decree-Law No. 162 of 2022 introduced into the criminal code the crime of ‘invasion of land or buildings for dangerous gatherings’ (Article 434-bis Criminal Code). The new crime was put in place in order to prevent and fight the phenomenon of illegal rave parties on a criminal level. The new incrimination immediately raised the problem not only of its actual political-criminal necessity, but also of its relationship with the crime of invasion of land or buildings (Article 633 Criminal Code.). The uncertain legislative technique employed and the definitional vagueness of the notion of ‘gathering’ – which does not coincide with the broader semantic notion of ‘rave party’ – could also favour a strong discretionary power in the concrete application of the criminal figure. On the basis of these critical issues, a possible reformulation of the offence in question is suggested to the legislator.
Rave Party – Article 434-bis Italian Criminal Code – Decree-Law No. 162 of 2022 – Crime of invasion of land or buildings (Article 633 Italian Criminal Code) – Notion of ‘gathering’