La prova informatica al vaglio del giudice, tra cattiva scienza e cattivi scienziati

Alessandra Sanna


È il testo, corredato da note bibliografiche, dell’intervento svolto in data 18 marzo 2022, nell’ambito del Corso di perfezionamento post-lauream «Internet tra diritto penale e processo», organizzato dal Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche dell’Università di Firenze.

SOMMARIO   1. Premessa: la pervasività della prova digitale. – 2. Pericoli e strategie di contenimento: a) il vulnus ai diritti individuali. – 3. b) l’inattendibilità della conoscenza e gli ostacoli al diritto di difesa.


The digital evidence under the scrutiny of the judge, between bad science and bad scientists

The massive use of digital evidence in modern criminal proceedings carries two types of risks. The first concerns the protection of individual rights to the extent required by the Constitution. Procedural rules designed to govern traditional evidence are ineffective against the intrusive ability of digital evidence on the sphere of privacy. The second type of risk concerns the reliability of the evidence and the protection of the defensive guarantees. The genuineness of the digital evidence is compromised if investigators do not observe the best practices. On the other hand, the defense attorney is not allowed to intervene when evidence is collected. The remedy against these risks is the role of gatekeeper exercised by the judge against the bad science and the bad scientists.

Digital evidence – Privacy – Defensive guarantees