SOMMARIO 1. Prendendo spunto da una recente pronuncia di legittimità in materia di traffico illecito di rifiuti. – 2. La consumazione nel reato permanente. – 3. La consumazione nel reato abituale. – 4. La natura del traffico illecito di rifiuti. – 5. La prescrizione nei reati abituali in caso di successione di leggi penali nel tempo. – 6. Considerazioni conclusive.
The statute of limitations of continuous offences in case of unfavourable ius superveniens
The recent judgment of the Supreme Court, which deals with the theme of “tempus commissi delicti” in continuous offences, is the starting point to deepen interesting issues of inter-temporal law related to the limitation period of the criminal offence and to the succession of criminal laws over time. Starting with the analysis of the differences between tempus commissi delicti in permanent crimes and in continuous crimes, the comment focuses on the construction of the continuous offences in terms of unitarity or plurality. The aim is to provide an answer to a single question: what happens in continuous offences in case of unfavourable “ius superveniens”.
Continuous offences- tempus commissi delicti- statute of limitation – unfavourable ius superveniens