SOMMARIO 1. La messa alla prova come cripto-condanna. – 2. La costruzione antagonista della Corte costituzionale. – 3. La sospensione con messa alla prova come spazio per la giustizia riparativa. – 4. Profili critici della costruzione costituzionalmente orientata: prima e dopo la riforma Cartabia. – 5. Le sfide sul terreno delle garanzie processuali.
The amended probation, between restorative justice and ante iudicium execution.
Food for thought for the procedural law expert
The main question in the regulation on probation is whether the procedure is compatible with the presumption of innocence. According to critics, this procedure allows the imposition of a criminal sanction based exclusively on a “provisional execution order”. This would create a “crypto-conviction”, which would break the link between the penalty and the judgment pursuant to art. 27 paragraph 2 of the Constitution. However, the Constitutional Court offers a different and innovative vision of the procedure that values the new content of probation and achieves a revolutionary result: the treatment program is not “a punishment that by its nature can be applied by force” but gives rise to an activity left to the will of the accused. Probation thus becomes the gateway to restorative justice programs. Nevertheless, the “Cartabia” reform moves away from this innovative vision and thus loses an important opportunity to facilitate the entry of restorative justice into the criminal trial.
Probation – Restorative justice – Presumption of innocence –“Cartabia” reform