È il testo della relazione tenuta nell’ambito del convegno organizzato dall’Accademia delle scienze di Ferrara e dal Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell’Università di Ferrara l’8 giugno 2023 su “Riforma Cartabia e sistema penale: Luci e ombre”. L’intervento riprende alcuni spunti del volumetto Sulla Giustizia Riparativa, Editoriale Scientifica Napoli, 2023.
Restorative Justice
The paper reflects on restorative justice, the organic regulation of which was recently introduced into our criminal justice system, critically questioning the compatibility of this new model with the traditional model of criminal law administered exclusively by the State with its well settled constitutional guarantees. Some risks related to the strengthened role of the victim are also highlighted, expressing doubts on the actual possibility that the restorative justice model can effectively integrate or even replace the traditional aims of punishment and be extended in a generalised way, without dangerous distortions, in our criminal justice system, as provided by the new piece of legislation.
the new restorative justice model in the Italian criminal justice system – legislative decree no. 150/2022 (s.c. Cartabia Reform) – purposes of punishment – reparation – victim rights