La giustizia riparativa: tra luci e ombre

Adelmo Manna


SOMMARIO   1. La giustizia riparativa nella prospettiva comparata e comunitaria. – 2. In particolare, il progetto alternativo tedesco sulla Wiedergutmachung della fine degli anni ’60 del secolo scorso e la riforma del § 46a dello StGB del 1975 ed il § 167 del Codice penale austriaco. – 3. L’introduzione della giustizia riparativa nel sistema penale italiano con la c.d. riforma Cartabia: a) le norme di diritto penale sostanziale. – 4. b) la norma di diritto processuale penale. – 5. c) le disposizioni di diritto penitenziario. – 6. Significato teorico e politico criminale della giustizia riparativa, in rapporto, in particolare, alla teoria della pena. – 7. Ostacoli alla relativa implementazione pratica, dovuti in particolare al D.M. 9 giugno 2023, del ministro della Giustizia, on. Carlo Nordio, di concerto con il ministro del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali, on. Marina Elvira Calderone, e con il ministro dell’Università e della Ricerca, on. Anna Maria Bernini.


The restorative justice: between lights and clouds

“Restorative justice” has been introduced in our penal system by the so called Cartabia’s reform, in July 2023. There is a relationship between this type of justice, based on the accord between the author of the crime and the victim, under the psychological guidance with the so called “penal Mediator”, and the compensation for the damages, because it represents the old age of restorative justice. Restorative justice, in the criminal code, regards crimes punishable with lawsuit, but it is possible to diminish the penal sanction if the restorative justice experiment goes well. The same for the suspension of the sanctions and for the suspension of trial with probation. Also in the criminal procedure code there is a disposition that lets the judge to send the author and the victim to a restorative justice programme, in every step of the procedure. Also in the law of penal execution is possible a psychological treatment for the author in the direction of the victim, especially for sexual crimes. In theory the restorative justice is an application of art. 27, paragraph three, of the Italian Constitution, but in the praxis now it is very difficult that the restorative justice can be applied, because the conditions to become criminal Mediator are very long and complicated and the causes of incompatibility are very strong, because these types of conditions are being introduced by the new Government, more conservative with respect to the one before.

Restorative justice – Cartabia’s reform – penal mediator – psychological treatment – art. 27, paragraph three, Constitution