Il contributo è destinato alla pubblicazione nel volume collettaneo “La giustizia penale dopo la c.d. Riforma Cartabia”, a cura di R. M. Geraci, edito da Giappichelli.
SOMMARIO 1. Premessa. – 2. La scelta sistematica. – 3. Le cadenze procedimentali. – 4. Il vaglio della Corte di legittimità. – 5. Gli epiloghi decisori. – 6. La modulazione dei rapporti tra rimedi post iudicatum. – 7. Conclusioni.
The extraordinary appeal to enforce Strasbourg Court judgements
The article outlines the main aspects of the new extraordinary appeal for the execution of European Court of Human Rights judgements, as introduced by Legislative Decree 150/2022. With the drafting of article 628-bis c.p.p., the so called “Riforma Cartabia” has, in fact, embedded within the current penal system a unitary remedy entrusted to the competence of the Supreme Court to follow up on the sentences handed down by Strasbourg Court. The present essay highlights how this change, on one hand, will contribute to the consolidation of a genuinely integrated system for protecting fundamental rights and how, on the other hand, it will open up unprecedented prospects regarding the evolutionary trends of the “de legitimitate” review.
D.lgs. 150/2022 – Extraordinary appeal – European Court of Human Rights – Supreme Court – Fundamental rights