Giustizia punitiva e giustizia riparativa: quali rapporti?

Luciano Eusebi


Testo destinato al volume, curato da Roberto Bartoli e Francesco Cingari, comprendente i contributi al Corso di perfezionamento in ‘Giustizia riparativa’ organizzato dal Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche dell’Università degli studi di Firenze dal 27 gennaio al 3 marzo 2023.

SOMMARIO   1. La giustizia riparativa come strumento di prevenzione. – 2. Giustizia riparativa in senso lato e in senso stretto. – 3. I nessi del tema con la finalità rieducativa. – 4. L’evoluzione in itinere circa il ruolo del giudice. – 5. Modalità ed esigenze nuove del fare giustizia.


Punitive Justice and Restorative Justice: what Relationships?

The paper reflects on the fact that, despite the importance of the 2022 Cartabia reform in criminal matters, the de facto retributive model that connotes the once again unchanged range of main criminal sanctions remains unsurpassed. Within this framework, signs of novelty are noted, however, especially in connection with a timid opening towards the biphasic process in the application of the new substitute sanctions. It is also analysed the role that comes to assume, in the described framework, the novelty constituted by the attribution of importance, as a result of the Cartabia reform, to restorative justice programmes, considering their relations with the re-educative purpose attributed by the Constitution to the instruments of response to crimes.

Restorative justice – Reform of the criminal sanctioning system – Biphasic process – Re-educative purpose of punishment

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