Versione italiana, con qualche adattamento e l’aggiunta di note essenziali, della conferenza tenuta l’11 settembre 2023 nell’ambito della Jornada de Derecho Penal, tenutasi presso il Colegio Público de Abogados de Ushuaia, con il patrocinio della Universidad de Buenos Aires e del Centro Italo-Argentino de Altos Estudios.
SOMMARIO 1. Economia processuale e criterio del minimo mezzo nella concezione dogmatica tradizionale. – 2. “Homo oeconomicus”: l’economia processuale come regola di comportamento per il giudice e per le parti. – 3. Dimensione economica, preclusione e giustizia negoziata. – 4. Nuove e regressive manifestazioni del canone di economia nei giudizi penali.
Evolution and Involution of the Principle of Judicial Economy
The paper sets out to analyse the role and significance of the principle of judicial economy in today’s criminal trial. In this perspective, the author, starting from an examination of the evolution of the principle from its origins to the present day, reflects on the use of the principle as a tool capable of justifying the failure to apply the exclusionary rules or, even, for the theorisation of canons of general value such as that of a “procedural” estoppel. The reflection also concerns the use of the principle of judicial economy as a guiding principle underlying legislative innovations such as diversion, criminal mediation, and the birth of the “telematic” criminal trial.
Judicial economy – Judge’s role – Party conduct – Exclusionary rules – Digital evidence – Negotiated justice – Telematic criminal trial