È possibile limitare l’intervento penale nel XXI secolo?

Mirentxu Corcoy Bidasolo


Il lavoro è pubblicato in lingua originale (¿Es posible limitar la intervención penal en el siglo xxi?) in Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez. Protocolo I, 2021, pp. 89-105.
Traduzione dallo spagnolo a cura della dott.ssa Cecilia Valbonesi.

SOMMARIO   I. Introduzione. – II. Limiti alla pena: principio di ultima ratio, sussidiarietà e frammentarietà. – III. Prevenzione limitata. – IV. La teoria del delitto come strumento volto alla limitazione dell’intervento penale. – V. Conclusioni.

Il contributo è ora consultabile in Criminalia (2022).


Is it Possible to Limit the Intervention of Criminal Law in the xxi Century?

In the face of the unstoppable expansion of criminal law that has taken place since the 1990s, criticism, is not enough, although essential. It’s necessary to propose strategies that make it possible to limit the intervention of criminal law. In this direction, it is essential to apply the limiting principles of criminal law, in particular those of ultima ratio, subsidiarity and proportionality (necessity, suitability and proportionality, in the strict sense). Likewise, it is essential to conceive punishment with a preventive rather than a retributive purpose, in order to avoid populism and revenge. I consider indispensable the respect of the responsibility for the fact, excluding the responsibility for the character, and the objective responsibility. Finally, is imperative the teleological interpretation of the criminal offenses from the function of exclusive protection of legal-criminal assets.

ultima ratio – subsidiarity – prevention – proportionality – teleological interpretation – harmfulness – crime theory