Deflazione processuale mediante istituti di diritto penale sostanziale nella c.d. riforma Cartabia: il restyling alla particolare tenuità del fatto e la nuova procedura estintiva in materia di alimenti e bevande

Costanza Bernasconi


Il presente contributo rappresenta il testo, corredato di note minime, della Relazione svolta al Convegno sul tema “La riforma Cartabia: quali novità per il processo penale?”, organizzato dalla Camera penale ferrarese il 17 novembre 2022.


Procedural deflation through substantive criminal law institutes in the so-called Cartabia reform:
the restyling to the particulartenuousness of the fact and the new procedure for extinguishing the crime in the field of food and beverages

The paper aims to carry out a first reading of some innovations contained in the so-called Cartabia reform, which express the deflative thrust that characterizes the aforementioned reform. The reference, in particular, is to the expansion of the scope of the institution of the particular tenuousness of the fact and to the introduction of a new procedure for extinguishingthe crime in the field of food and beverages.

“Cartabia reform” – Deflative thrust – Particular tenuousness of the fact – Art. 131 bis Italian Criminal Code – New procedure for extinguishing the crime in the field of food and beverages